Monday, May 28, 2012

Understanding Freelancing and Looking for Income on the Internet

Hi before I begin, let me introduce myself. I am a working professional. Like many of you there I have been hit by the idea of making more money out of the internet. There are a number of programs on the web which offers you money for reading emails, taking surveys, clicking ads….. the list is endless. If you are one like me who had used this programs, you know how frustrating it is to spend hours before the computer connecting to this sites, clicking on ads, reading emails, taking surveys and what do you get? A mere trickle of few cents in your account.

One needs to understand that there are numerous opportunities which the internet provides. The difficulty is finding the right place to start. One thing we need to understand is that for every opportunity there are in the internet, we have to spend our time with the internet doing something.

The question is, are the type of job we are doing in the internet to earn whatever little penny it offers to bring to us worthwhile? The answer is Yes and No. While for some who have plenty of spare time to leisure around it may be paying doing mindless jobs like checking and sending bulk emails, filling out online survey polls and so on.

But after some time this brings monotony to the job and you start feeling bored. Then, there are online available jobs which offer you to showcase your skills, your talents. The fun part of joining such programs is the freedom of choice it gives you. The satisfaction you get doing a job in which you are comfortable. And above all a job where you are not the only one competing for the job but scores of people who may be way better than you.

A very good example of one such site is is by far the best website which offers millions of users worldwide to source online jobs and also bids for jobs online.

I am a user of for a couple of years, although I am yet to make much bucks by freelancing services, it is the belief deep down the core of my mind that this is the only site which offers to explore your potentialities to earn money from the internet.

In the following few steps I am going to present why it is necessary to understand freelancing concept and lessons which can be learnt. These lessons can be taken as lessons for good practice to follow to become a successful freelancer.

Showcase yourself as a Product : You may be a very good programmer, a prolific writer or a fine designer. But what is the use if you are not able to showcase your talent to the world? But how can you showcase your talent? How can people know that you have that talent?

The internet is also a like a big supermarket of shops, arcades and malls. Like in the real world, a supermarket  requires good visibility for people to step in and explore. Again, there may be good number of supermarkets in the area. However, it is the location of the supermarket, the surrounding areas, accessibility, the architecture of the building, facilities for recreation like parks, parking lots, cafes etc which attracts shoppers.

Think of the internet also a place similar to this supermarket. And think of yourself as the product people come to buy. You will like to showcase yourself in the trendy supermarket, where people with money always steps in. Like-wise in order to showcase your talent you need a good website to showcase your profile.

Think of a website as a mall or a shopping arcade. Choose a website which has the best visibility. Choose a website which has a well structured layout. Choose a website which offers easy accessibility. Choose a website which provides you a personalised profile. And last not least choose a website which has a large number of users.

Lessons learnt : 
  • Search for best internet based business websites.
  • Look for ease of use and accessibility
  • Look at user followings
  • Look for testimonials and user feedbacks
  • Follow your instincts and mind
  • Be sure of creating your online profile in the website
  • Show your photo or an avatar of yourself in your profile
  • Give as much information as possible
  • Detail out the skills you possess


Set your Price : If you have followed the above step and created your profile, it’s the time to set a price of yourself. Before you start by setting a price, think what is the best price that suits me! How can you ascertain which is the best price for you?

If you have started by thinking yourself as a product, you will realise how big or how small you are. I do not mean how big or small your size is but, how big is your ego! Yes people are egoistical and tend to pretend what they are not. What I mean to say is that, you should be absolutely sure of what you are good at. You cannot go about and brag about your designing skills or your writing skills, if you don’t have one.

The point is, what is key to setting a price about yourself is the level of confidence you have in a task, the requisite expertise required from you and in what way you can present your skill which separates itself from the others. Like all commodities which have its own USP or Unique Sales Point, you should also be able to present your own USP.

To be able to set your price right, you have to be honest with yourself. You need to identify your skill set and you also need to develop trust in people. So it would not harm you if you price yourself lower than the others. By doing so you are not compromising with your dignity. You can price higher than the others, if you are 100% self confident and you make a USP.

Lesson learnt : 
  • Bid for projects which you are sure you can do
  • Quote a price which are competitive and lower than the best competitive bid
  • Give samples of your work
  • Specify duration in days you can complete the task in


Value for service :  A consumer will pay certain price to buy a product. All products have a shelf life. For consumer durables it’s the period of years it will work without fail. If the product is serviceable, then service should be available at all times without fail. 

What this interprets is the product for which the customer is paying for should at least give a value to the consumer. Value here is the number of years of trouble free operation or use. This represents to the customer a value for money for the product and gives credence to the quality to the product itself.

Like-wise if you visualize yourself as a product, then the user who is paying a certain amount of money buy the product, should be in a position to get a value for money or a quality product. If your work is of good quality, the user will be well satisfied by your work. He will know that you can do good quality job. This gives credence to your nature of work and the skills you are having for the work.

Next time when you bid for a job from the user or users to whom he has passed information about your quality of work, will give greater weightage for selection.

Lessons Learnt :
  • The work or job you do should meet the requirement of the client
  • The work should be done exactly as you have promised or stated will be done
  • The work should be done well within the stipulated time
  • The work should bear user’s originality – that means no plagiarism
  • If the work requires continuity or follow up work, you should be able to fulfil it.

I have tried to present few practices which I feel every freelancer should follow to get counted as a successful Freelance developer 

You can also visit to explore other possibilities of earnings from