[After all the hue and cry over the issueless crusade over a thin line that divides humanity and segregates race, caste and creed over the brink, on issues of an imaginary boundary, there is nothing left now but to pick up the remnants of the flesh torn apart - sew up the flesh - gather up the shreds of faceless corpses -resurrect the deadless souls - listen to the voices of remorse - try not to drive a wedge in the realm of make believe world and the thin boundary of trust in humanity, developed regardless of caste, creed and boundaries].
How does the earth looks like from the space? It must be a beautiful sight to behold. To the space traveler the glimpse of the earth from the space must be most wonderful view. To him the world must look one mass of water, air and earth. Does he discern the boundaries that make up and separates a country from one to another? Does he see the divide wedged between different continents by their race, caste, creed and ethno city? If all this imaginary boundaries are not visible, then why we the guardian of the humanity as a whole would go to war over issues which could be settled with the discourse of dialogues. It is an endless conflict where we the humanity as a whole would not be able to disassociate ourselves unless we see ourselves as one nation, one humanity and one earth. So we would continue to have the crisis in the Middle East, Latin America, South East Asia and other parts of the world – so and as long as there is this concept of material economy. Maybe Neil Armstrong would not have said when he stepped on the Moon on July 20, 1969. "That’s one small step for a man; and a giant leap for mankind.” if there was a colony of settlers already inhabiting the moon"